- Balanced on 28,000,000 linear yards annual production
- Production from cotton bale through customer specific length rolls of finished denim fabric
- Full physical testing and shade sorting capability
What Sets Us Apart
- Proven track record of successfully transferring technology internationally
- Expertise to produce innovative, trend setting products
- All new equipment incorporating the best technologies from around the world
- Proprietary process control systems to assure exceptional shade and physical consistency
Minimum defects
- Stable raw material plus advanced spinning equipment
- Superb tension control at warping, dyeing, sizing
- Projectile weaving looms-Sulzer P7300HP minimize stop marks, typically the most problematic defect for the garment maker
- Computer optimized cutting and strict 4 point grading system to ensure that only the best quality is delivered
Consistent Physicals
- CDJ’s production controls and testing procedures guarantee stable physicals
- his enables greater consistency in the fit of the final garment
- Effective tension control from yarn to finished fabric
- Systematic testing on greige and semi-finished fabrics
- Special finishing processes for control of shrinkage and skew movement
- D) On site certified labs verify strict quality control measurements before any shipments
Width | Seam Slippage (ASTM D434) |
Weight (Rigid/3HL) | C/F to Light (AATCC-16) |
Warp/Picks | C/F to Washing (AATCC-61 2A) |
Tensile Strength (ASTM D5034) | C/F to Ozone (AATCC-109) |
Tear Strength (ASTM 1434) | Flammability (16 CRF ) |
Dimensional Stability (AATCC-135) | |
Stiffness (ASTM D4032) | |
Warp Elongation (D3107) | |
Skew% (D3882) | |
Skew-movement (LS&CO 2) | |
Stretch & Growth (ASTM 3107) | |
C/F to Crocking (AATCC-8) | |
C/F to act Washing (AATCC-135) |
Shade Stability
- Cotton selection and consistency of lay-downs HVI information, EFS (Engineered Fiber Selection)
- Stability of dyestuff - certified indigo and sulfur suppliers
- Computerized Process Control from dyeing through finishing
- Advanced KUSTERS Pad are used on finishing equipments to eliminate side-center shade variation
- Integrated digital and visual shade tapering to guarantee stability of shade groups
Wide Width Fabrics
- Wider width = significantly increased fabric yield at garment cutting
- CDJ stretch fabrics are 57 to 60 inches wide compared to 50 inches or below
- Non stretch fabrics 65 to 67 inches CDJ
- CDJ can provide narrower width for customers without wide cutting tables
Global Strength
- Product development
- Technical innovation
- Customer service
- Social responsibility
- Environmental stewardship
CDJ’s Proven Advantages
- Cone Denim’s 100 plus years of denim heritage
- World’s best equipment at each process
- Proprietary process control system
- Shade stability
- Minimum defects
- Consistent physicals
- Certified Labs on site
- Wide width fabrics
- Customized roll sizes
- Innovative, trend setting products